“Love Lentils!”

Posted by Nancy in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

“With a history rooted in the Bible, lentils have maintained prominence in the Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine since their cultivation 8,500 years ago”, as per Diane Welland’s article in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics “Food and Nutrition. One cup of cooked lentils contains 18 grams of protein and 16 grams of fiber. This helps to lower certain cancers, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, etc.”

Lentils don’t require overnight soaking like dried beans do. Within 20 minutes lentils can be boiled in broth and/or water and be used as a meat substitute or extenders in salads, chili, soups, casseroles, etc.

Enjoy trying a variety of lentils (eg. red, beluga, brown, French pink, yellow) to add diversity to your fall and winter menus! Whole Foods has a nice assortment of them in their bin section!

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